Tuesday, November 18, 2008

4 little details men notice about women

Read an interesting article online recently. So just to summarise it..These are the little details men notice about women

1) Hands
Reason: Beautiful hands can portray daintiness and strength at the same time. imagination will go on overdrive on what it's like to hold them.

2) Hair
Reason: Hair can do simple actions that can evoke powerful emotions.
When a gust of wind blew right down the street and ran through her hair, an indescribable motion that took place in her hair was beautiful.

3) Attitude towards others
Reason: A person with a beautiful personality treats everyone nicely and respectfully. It's fun to be out with a girl and watch her make people smile from afar. It makes me feel proud and lucky that I'm with her. It's already an amazing thing when I meet a girl that can brighten my days. But if this girl brightens everyone's days, then I'm even luckier.

4) What Does She Notice?
You can learn a lot about a person just by the details they notice in life and moments. It is a fun adventure going out with someone who can laugh at and notice little things, and who always brings new insights to different situations.

So guys do you agree?What other little things that you notice abt a girl?

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