Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How do you know that you are in love...

How do you know that you are in love...

A very interesting question don't you think?

Someone could completely adore a person but is not in love with them. In another case scenario, Someone could really annoy a person all the time and make that person think that God had sent that someone to torture him/her but that person is completely in love with that someone.

So how do you know when you are in love..

Is it when its like the cliches in the movies?

Your heart beats faster, palms start to sweat, Keep thinking of that person all the time..blah..blah..blah..

Someone asked me how come you look so cool and relax like nothing is going on..Don't you love him?

You know when that someone asked me that I felt like punching his face..And this is me we're talking about..I am so not the violent type..But when he said that, I seriously feel like beating him up..

I just trying my best to move on without ripping my heart out and here comes this guy, happily judging me because I look calm and cool..

Of coz it hurts a lot..I'm just trying to survive and move on..Crying and remembering the past won't help..it will just suck you down deeper...until it reached to the point where you think you can't live without him/her because you have lost yourself..And you need him/her to validate you and your life...

So excuse me for trying to live...

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